Thursday 6 March 2014

Mixmag Double Page Spread Research

Good afternoon guys and gals! So I finished my contents page research yesterday and now I'm going to start my research on double page spreads. The first decent double page spread I found was a mixmag spread. The article is definitely what my target audience is all about, bright colors, massive crowds, people shouting and general messing about. I like the way the image spreads across both pages and is sort of split up and it gives a sort of "cut and paste" look to it. Although I like the way the page looks I think i'd rather have an artist on the double page spread. I think this would make the spread look allot better than this one as it would be about the artist rather than a problem with "music". This could open up allot of different images I could take, a close up to show the concentration and professionalism of the DJ, a wide/long shot to show the crowd from behind a DJ, a medium shot showing the DJ at his decks. I don't know what to do as of yet as I am still figuring out how to form a crowd together and take a picture of a large amount of people!!

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