Tuesday 11 March 2014

DJMag Double Page Spread 3

Welcome back! As you can see im reviewing another double page spread. This article is very interesting as the title links in extremely well with the image. The way the lemon is placed in front of the artists face which adds an amount of curiosity as to who the artist is. This is quite unconventional of a club/dance music magazine as the main focus tends to primarily be on the artist. This will be a large attraction to the artist and the article as people will want to know more about him/her. I do like this idea however I don't think I will be implementing it into my own music magazine. This is simply because I want my readers to be able to know what the article is about before having to read anything. I also think it look allot more professional and formal if the article show the DJ rather than trying to make members of the public read on.

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