Friday 14 March 2014

Mixmag double page spread 5

I decided to do one last double page spread analysis. This double page spread is from a mixmag magazine and is very conventional. I've started to notice that most DJ magazines have the article on one side of the page and the artists image on the other side. I don't think I like the cross over idea, where the image goes across both pages which is good as my magazine will look more conventional. As with all the other double page spreads that I have reviews I like the bar at the top and the large title that comes with the article. I also find the fact that most of the double page spreads I have reviewed have some sort of Question and answer section to it. With this particular magazine the double page spread is an entire question and answer section other than the introduction. I might use this when it comes to my own double page spread but i'm not 100% sure as of yet.

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