Wednesday 12 March 2014

Looking Into Font Types

 Looking into name ideas I decided to look up a bunch of adjectives online. I didn't see many that appealed to me when I was looking through them. I came across the word "hooked" when reading through another DJ magazine. at the time it took allot of thought but I think i'm going to choose this word as the name of my magazine. Simply because it attracts the audience and makes them "Hooked". After choosing a name I thought about which font to use for the title of my magazine. I experimented with quite a few different fonts in bold, black and white, This was to first see what looked well in what color. I then tried to decide what I wanted my font to look like. Do I want a sharp crisp look with a few edges cut off or a smooth curvy edged font. I decided to ask some of my friends who enjoy reading DJ Mag-
azines and they told me they preferred the straight edged fonts. But in my opinion I still couldn't decide between the second and the fourth font (on the left). This is because I thought both fonts looked "DJ magziney" I like the way the letter O's connect with one another on the curved font but I like the way the letters look as though they should be touching but aren't on the straight edged font. I came to the conclusion that the straight edged font is the one I am going to go for. Simply because its what my target audience suggested.

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