Wednesday 12 March 2014

DJ Mag double page spread 4

Yet again another double page spread analysis and again its DJ Mag. I'm becoming increasingly interested in DJ Mag as I am a huge fan of EDM/Electro music myself and that's the type of music DJ mag talks about. I love the way they lay out there double page spread as well. They have the image of the DJ/artist on one side of the page and generally have the name of the artist or the name of the article on the same side as the image. They then add a small quote next to the artist to show someone has actually talked about them and they're "fame". This instantly insinuates that the DJ is famous. They then have the other half of the page full of text and generally have a Question and Answer column from they're previous magazine added to the double page spread. This adds something to the page that most other double page spreads don't have. As its still a full article but people have asked questions on the DJ and the DJ has answered them himself.

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