Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Question and answer section

besides designing a lovely magazine I also had to do some writing -_- Which can get very boring but at the same time it interested me slightly. Completely making up a DJ from scratch was a challenge but a fun one. I had to think of a name for him I had to think of a venue and song names and album names that he had created it was quite a fun thing to do. I then had to turn all this information into a question and answer section for my double page spread. This was fairly easy as I already knew everything I had to add in but the layout of it was hard to create as text would be too long for the columns so I would have to shorten it down or to short so i'd have to add to it but in the end it looked pretty good. A question and answer section is also extremely conventional when it comes to DJ magazines because the target audience like finding out about the artist from they're own words rather than someone else's. I hope you are enjoying my project run through so far and I hope to give you lots more information on my project

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