Monday 14 April 2014

The article

I needed too write up and article to go on my double page spread alongside my question and answer section. As I'm not the best in the world at English and I don't have a wide range of vocabulary I found this task quite time consuming, however I think I did a good job overall. I made up a DJ named vintage and had too act as though I was writing on behalf of an interviewer sort of. I found this quite easy as IO prefer writing for someone rather than writing about myself. This is because I find describing others allot easier to do than describing myself. So I made a DJ up from scratch and wrote about him. It wasn't to hard I needed to come up with a few song names and venues but other than that it was all about being descriptive. I talked about how vintage had became the biggest DJ in the UK with his number 1 song hitting record breakers in beatports (Music downloading website) sales and how he has begun a UK tour to "please his fans". I have decided to put my article in this blog post so that you guys can have a read and see what you think. I did a bit of research into the different companys and owners of festivals and beatport and added that research into my article aswell. Hope you enjoy !

New DJ artist Vintage brings a stunning record to beatport’s sales for youngest DJ to ever reach no.1. Aged 16, Vintage destroys Martin Garrix’s current record on beatport by a massive 12%. “Vintage’s new album ‘Chips’ includes 6 of the most unstoppable tracks ever created” said Robert F. X. Sillerman (Owner of Beatport and SFX Entertainment). The young DJ is expected to receive record deals from companies such as Spinnin’ records and Revealed Recordings.          Revealed recordings (owned by the world’s no.1 DJ Hardwell) described Vintage’s music to be “unique” and “innovative”, which obviously created a hype for the indestructible teenager. “I want to thank my family and my fans for making my childhood dreams come true”. Vintage’s biggest track “Unleash” starts with a cruising melody and ends with an incredible drop, Dazzling listeners and leaving crowds stunned.
          Vintage starts his UK tour for the release of his new album “Chips” generating hype across the cluster of countries awaiting him. Major sets such as London’s 02 Academy and Newcastle’s Metro Radio Arena provide the DJ with the amount of space he’ll need due to the masses of fans expected to participate in Vintage’s tour.
          Vintage plans on world exposure after his UK tour, with the record deal from “Spinnin”, the young teen plans to set his next destination as Belgian’s “TomorrowLand”, an appropriate venue for such a talented young artist. So with an amazing start to the young adult’s career what more are we expecting from him? Your questions have been asked and now they have been answered by Vintage himself check it out!

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