Tuesday 15 April 2014

Layouts Cont.

 I then did the layouts for my front cover page and my double page spread. These took quite sometimes because they were allot messier and unorganized compared to the contents page. I knew that I needed to have columns of artists on the front cover so I created a bunch of frames for the titles of the artists and the little descriptions that would come with the titles. I also knew that I would have a large image in front of allot of text and the smaller images so I placed a large frame over the whole page so when I had my pictures I could add them to the frame. I then decided to add a strip at the top for maybe a "free poster" promotion to go in as most music magazines have that nowadays.
The layout for the double page spread was slightly easier because there wasn't going to be as much on the double page spread as there was on the front cover. I needed three columns (Frames) for my article, a large frame covering the whole page for the image and a frame for the title. I added page numbers and a few more frames for some smaller ideas I had for the spread which you'll see when my project progresses.

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