Friday 28 February 2014

Music Mag Research - MixMag 1

Morning everyone! So I'm starting my research into other DJ magazines and the first one I chose is mixmag! This edition obviously stars calvin harris on the front cover, who in my opinion is a rather famousDJ. This creates a good reputaion for mixmag as they instantly know the type of people who will be buying the product. (People who love calvin harris or general DJ's) This lets them design the rest of the magazine for there target market. The front cover is covered in different fonts, different colours and the logo is one of the main eye catching points of the cover. Each section of text has a sub-heading which is in a different colour to the rest of the text. I personally love this idea as it shows whoever is reading the magazine what the main parts of the mag are going to be about.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Music Mag Research - DJ Mag 2

How is everyone on this glorious day?! I'm still researching different DJ mags and I came across probably the most famous one out there 'DJ Mag' A pretty simple name I know but it gets the point across. On the front cover of this magazine is a DJ called Hardwell who in my opinion is the best DJ out there, in fact he is the best DJ out there at the moment, He was rated number 1 DJ in the world!  This again gives DJ mag a huge boost in popularity because people will be wanting too know more about the number 1 DJ in the world. I think I'm going to implement this idea into my own work by making up some facts and figures about my posing 'DJ' too make him look good and make the magazine I'm creating look better.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Music Mag Research - DJ Mag 5

Hows it going? I've decided to make one more post on my research task and I decided to do another DJ mag magazine. This is because, once again it fits with what I want to do. I would of reviewed a Q magazine or a Mojo magazine but I want to focus on what the magazine I am making looks like. Once again DJ mag have got one of the most famous DJ's ever on the front cover. The colors of the fonts and the sizes and different types of font make the house style of the magazine.

Friday 14 February 2014

Feedback from Preliminary task

After finishing the magazine my teacher gave me some crucial feedback on what I can do better and what I did well. I was told that the way I had laid out my titles on the front cover and contents page was done really well but I needed some more information on the front cover and less information on the contents page. I could relate to this as I already knew what I had done wrong I just didn't have time for improvements. This is something else I needed to keep an eye on for my music magazine, Time management is something I need to focus on as in my other subjects I have been really stressed etc. because of deadlines and how poor my time management skills are. All the feedback I received whether bad or good was very helpful and was noted down to make sure I remembered them when thinking about planning my music magazine.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Preliminary Task

For a few weeks I have been working on my preliminary task which was to create a front cover and contents page for a school magazine. I had to take every photo myself using the schools camera. I took a medium close up of a student and placed it on the contents page, I also had a similar sort of image on the front cover. I thought this task was quite fun as it was good practice with programs I need to use whilst making my music magazine (Photoshop and In design). I named my magazine "Daily Bay" and my I took an image of my friend to put on the front cover. The contents page included a number of images which you can see below and the descriptions for each section of the magazine were wrote next to it.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Hey, welcome to my blog! This blog will be used to keep you guys up to date on my Media Studies Project. With daily posts, images, videos and other innovative ways of getting my ideas and products across to you, this is definitely the place to start. I will be posting daily updates on how my project is coming along and what I have done during the day of the post, keeping you updated and engaged with my project. My next post will be on my initial ideas so keep coming back to find out more!