Sunday 4 May 2014


Nearing the deadline and stupidly stressed still need to do quite abit but the project is coming along nicely

Saturday 3 May 2014

Distribution methods

  •  Extending my media product into different areas...• I think as a dance music magazine, I would like my magazine and logo to extend, first of all to a slot on radio 1 on a Friday night. Then once I have my product established create a ‘WIRED fm’.• I would also infiltrate my product to festivals, have a WIRED stage at Cream Fields and Global Gathering, also sponsor dance music festivals such as Tomorrow Land.• By doing this I would enable my product to catch the attention of more possible consumers. For example with 200,000 people attending Tomorrow Land they would see that it was sponsored by ‘WIRED’ and be inclined to buy it afterwards. Therefore bringing my product to more and more people, gaining more revenue and extending the content.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Photoshop "spot techniques"

I decided to take a small video of some of the most useful tools I have used throughout the project so far. The healing brush and the spot heal tool.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Target audience opinions

I decided to do another small research task into what my target audience thought my magazine should look like and what codes and conventions I should be using. They said that rather than  a DJ facing away from the person who's reading the magazine on the front cover they would like the model to be facing forward. I had already done this so I was pleased with this feedback. A couple of people said I should change the text of the title on my double page spread so I did this and it looked allot better and made allot more sense. This was because I changed the font type so that the new amount of text fit above my headline.